Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Zachary K. Hubbard the SHILL running a HONEYPOT on the TRUTH COMMUNITY

🔠🔢Gematria Honey Pot🍯🐍

Zachary K. Hubbard the SHILL running a HONEYPOT on the TRUTH COMMUNITY

    Zachary Hubbard (Josh Greenberg) runs the YouTube channel titled, "Gematria Effect News" and "Gematria Effect Sports".
He reels his victims in with the "sports picks" and if you actually sign up for his terrible patreon, you will quickly realize he's not even picking cause that causes him to have accountability. Instead he calls almost all his picks "Close Call" or CC for your 33

    So lets begin the decode, for starters in an interview with fellow YouTuber "NetVoid" he mentions that he discovered gematria from a book from "Borders Book Store
Borders Book Store = 201 (speaking in code)
Zach tends to speak in code very often, for example his "welcome back truth seekers" matches with "Central Intelligence Agency" in at least 5 ciphers
Also, his "Congrats to the winners!" Matches with Zachary K Hubbard Honey Pot
Zach's book "Number Games" matches with Honey Pot
CIA COINTELPRO Honey Pot Gematria Effect News = 201
CIA COINTELPRO Agent Zachary Keefe Hubbard = 201
Truth Seeker Network = 256, 104
Zachary Hubbard Honey Pot = 256, 104
Zachary Hubbard = 240, 78
Gematria Honey Pot = 240, 78
    And it makes perfect sense, he pressures everyone in the community to show their faces, he pushes for people in the community to buy his patreon giving him your financial credentials, he wants people to call into his show giving him your phone number, & last but not least he sells merch giving him your address and exactly where you live, there is a term used by the CIA and intelligence agencies that goes "Tag, Track and ID" or "TTID"   

Zachary K Hubbard = 85
Tag, Track and ID = 85

Gematria = 74
Tag Track Identify = 74

    Conclusion: Are the real "truth seekers" actually supposed to believe this is all a coincidence? I do not think so, in my opinion Zach is running a honey pot on the "truth seeker" community. Another thing, this whole gematria community that idolizes Zachary Hubbard, are just as ridiculous as a liberal or conservative thinking Joe Biden or Donald Trump can do no wrong, I thought the numbers don't lie, isn't the whole idea of gematria supposed to be "none of this is a coincidence" when it comes to government connections and exposing the "powers that shouldn't be". Ironic though the whole power structure is pushing euthanasia as a means to remove people who are unhappy aka "useless eaters". Zachary Hubbard is pushing to the same exact agenda with him supporting suicide and sending death threats over the internet. Me included he said "Truth343 deserves a bullet in the head".

    If you're reading this, lead yourself do not follow anyone, trust no one, only yourself. Stand Strong and do not give Zachary Hubbard another second of attention, he deserves to be exposed and eventually his demise will come. People are waking up to this scum bags ways, Stockholm Syndrome is the best way to describe his fan base. 

Do Not Comply, Never Fold.

Zachary K. Hubbard the SHILL running a HONEYPOT on the TRUTH COMMUNITY

🔠🔢Gematria Honey Pot🍯🐍 Zachary K. Hubbard the SHILL running a HONEYPOT on the TRUTH COMMUNITY      Zachary Hubbard (Josh Greenberg) ru...